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Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine – Natures Gift for healing

Herbal Medicine is designed to assist the body to remedy illness patterns and re-balance the various systems of the body. It utilities the whole plants active constituents such as the plants seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark or flowers for medicinal purposes.

One of the oldest medicines around, plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded history. Ancient Egyptian and Chinese writing used plants as early as 3,000 BC.

Indigenous culture (Australian, African & Native American) used herbs in their healing rituals as did Traditional Chinese or India Medicine like Ayurveda.

The use of herbs together is often utilized because the combination is more effective. Their combination gives it unique properties that are often hard to mimic with any single isolated drug.

Herbalist must take many factors into account when recommending herbs, including the species, variety of the plant, the plant’s habitat, how it was stored and processed, and whether or not there are contaminants (including heavy metals and pesticides).

Herbs are effective for many illnesses such as asthma, insomnia, digestive disturbances, cold & flus, circulatory disorders, headaches, menstrual irregularities, nervous complaints, arthritis, anxiety, ache, stress, irritable bowels, fibromyalgia and many others.

Its administration can be by fresh herb, tea, extract, powder, syrups, poultices, lotions, oils and supplementation.


Iridology – There are no two irises alike, Your unique soul print


It has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue within the body. It reveals the persons relative state of health, buy measuring the markings within the coloured part of your eye. It offers a non-invasive look at the iris to determine your constitution and vitality.

The European Model

Iris analysis is founded on the principle that we are born with a set constitution which is our genotype. It becomes unique as we adapt to our surrounding. Influencing factors include physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experiences. Three generations are seen in your eyes. Right is your father, Left is your mother.

Eyes: Have more than two million working parts and contain over 28,000 fibers that end blindly in the stroma. Our unique tapestry is the sum of all our inherited characteristics from previous 3 generations and also our choice we make whether these are conscious or subconscious.

Structure: The iris is made up of tiny fibres; respond to light in their unique way. This describes the individual pattern and regulation of the iris fibers. Finer the density of the iris, and the sharpness of clarity = the greater resistance to illness.

Colours, markings, structure, spots, rings, pupil sizes and fibers all are indicative of the body’s areas of strength and weakness. The iris can reveal over activity, irritation, injury and degenerative conditions.

A map of the body is used as an overlay over the iris and can be view by either a magnified glass or camera.

Rayid Model

The rayid model, developed by Denny Johnson, is a method of interpreting the markings in your irises to infer characteristics, patterns, behavioral traits, attitudes, challenges and strengths with are likely to accompany you in life.

With the Rayid method there are only four distinctive iris constitutions, Flower, Stream, Shaker and Jewel.


Sclerology is the examination of the sclera or the white of the eye and interpretation of the lines or blood vessels.

Mineral Therapy

Mineral Colloids Salts

Mineral  have been used in treatment of human illness since the 16th Century.

In 1930s, Australian naturopath was a passionate advocate of drugless healthcare and the importance of living according to the laws of Nature. He expressed grave concerns about the impact of pesticides and chemical fertilizers on soil quality, and also critical of the depletion of minerals and other nutrients that occurs through modern food processing.  He agreed to earlier German Dr Schuessler that mineral salts are essential for human health and without them cells are unable to function efficiently or repair themselves, eventually succumbing to disease.


Providing the appropriate mineral salts in supplemental form would rectify the mineral deficiency’s and support body’s natural tendency to cure itself.


There are 12 Mineral Colloidal Salts;

Calcium Fluroide ( loss of integrity and strength of connective tissue)

Calcium Phosphate ( Anxiety and Irritability, cramps, dull aches)

Calcium Sulfate ( Chronic, long standing or suppurative stages of infection)

Iron Phospate ( First stage of inflammation and infection)

Magnesium Phosphate( Muscular tension, irritability, insomnia, low mood)

Potassium chloride ( Second stage inflammation, catarrh, white mucus)

Potassium Phosphate ( Mental and emotional exhaustion, poor memory)

Silica ( Conditions affecting bone, teeth, tendons, ligaments, cartilage)

Sodium phosphate ( Gastric acidity, Arthritis, Fibrositis, Itchy)

Sodium Sulfate ( Assist detox, gallstones, nausea, fluid imbalances)


Ask today on doing a Mineral deficiency Profile Analysis. It is a very cheap and effective way to assist your body into Homeostasis.


Whole Foods

The Whole Foods diet is not necessarily a set diet — it’s more of a lifestyle.

This is because plant-based diets can vary greatly depending on the extent to which a person includes animal products in their diet.

Nonetheless, the basic principles of a whole-foods, plant-based diet are as follows:

  • Emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods.
  • Limits or avoids animal products.
  • Focuses on plants, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, which should make up the majority of what you eat.
  • Excludes refined foods, like added sugars, white flour and processed oils.
  • Pays special attention to food quality, with many proponents of the WF diet promoting locally sourced, organic food whenever possible.
  • Looks at a Alkalizing Diet, decreasing Acidic forming food which create inflammation in your body
  • Eat a Rainbow of colors

For these reasons, this diet is often confused with  Vegan or Vegetarian

Yet although similar in some ways, these diets are not the same.

People who follow vegan diets abstain from consuming any animal products, including dairy, meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and honey. Vegetarians exclude all meat and poultry from their diets, but some vegetarians eat eggs, seafood or dairy.

The Whole food diet, on the other hand, is more flexible. Followers eat mostly plants, but animal products aren’t off limits.

While one person following a Whole foods diet may eat no animal products, another may eat small amounts of eggs, poultry, seafood, meat or dairy.

This is a great way to eat, I also specialize in alternative diets like FODMAP’s which assists Irritable Bowel Sufferers.

I can assist you with you specific dietary needs, like Gluten free, Lactose Free, anti-inflammatory diets and can help you go through your Diet Diary to target the offending foods that maybe causing issues within your body.


I currently have a range of Liquid Herbal Extracts that I can tailor your health needs. A 200ml bottle of Liquid Herbal Extracts is to be taken over a few week period.  I believe in the medical powers of Liquid herbs and they have had remarkable result in previous clients.

My Hubby suffered from Swine flu a few years back and Licorice Root Extract was one of the amazing herbs which calmed his cough and cleared his throat.

I don’t hold supplements in my dispensary, but I able to direct your to log onto one of the appropriate Health and Supplemental sites, like Bioceuticals, Metegenics or Integria where I have create will create your Natural Health prescription. This will then be sent to you from the company directly.

Disease management

With my extensive Nursing of over 25 years and over 10 years experience with Naturopathy I have expert knowledge in disease management.

Over the years in Practice I have developed an A to Z conditions, cataloging many Health conditions that I will give to you as a handout to assist your Healing.

Vibrational Essences

Australian Bush Flowers

Australia has the world’s oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Australia is also relatively unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.

Flower essences work on the mind, body and spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing vibration quality from the most evolved part of the plant – the flowers. The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. Australian Bush Flower Essences are catalysts to unlock your full potential, to resolve negative beliefs and to create emotional health and wellbeing.

They do this by releasing negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allow the positive virtues of the Higher Self – love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being.

When this happens, the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs.


The Liquid Crystals

The Liquid Crystals are a Path to rediscover, revitalise and recharge your spirit, senses, and physical, mental, and emotional being, to embrace earth’s healing.

What are liquid crystals?
They are a holistic healing method that works on the spiritual, mental, and emotional layers of our body to create balance and good health.
They are based on the natural minerals of Earth, they awaken and support harmony, health, and balance on all levels.
The Liquid Crystals is a powerful vibrational mineral therapy that captures the energetic healing qualities of 77 individual crystals by replicating the internal sacred geometry within the stone and imprinting, delivering its healing signature, properties though water medium.
For example, Emerald, deva name Vert-el, Spiritual Guidance, is a master healer, powerful representation of green-ray and teaches the lessons of spiritual Abundance. If you would like more information about the individual crystals please look up the liquid crystal website, I am a registered practitioner to deliver this vibrational essence.

How they work, is that Humans are made up of minerals and their energetic geometric structure, so too are crystals. This exchange affects the energy and physical bodies, creating an outward expression of healing for the individual.

The format of Liquid crystals cards is as follows. (the individual card is used to help program the water to deliver the crystals healing qualities).

  • Symbols, ancient Atlantis and Lemuria, they act as keys to Devic energies and powerful meditation tools
  • Deva Name – sound of the crystal
  • Crystals purpose with humanity
  • Chemical composition
  • Colour rays – all things in creation are composed with coloured rays, the only vary in the degree of light fractals.
  • Country of Origin, where the crystals is located on Earth
  • Maximum duration, length of time crystal will remain active in body after stop taking.
  • Animal totem, a corresponding animal to that particular crystal
  • Essential oil, a corresponding oil to that particular crystal
  • There are masters, angels and other important beings of the crystal.

By embracing the vibrational essences of the liquid crystals, one can walk again the pathway of Atlantis, have access to the crystalline frequency’s and thus open up to the magic of the mineral kingdom creators, the elemental kingdom, the devas.
All beings of the natural kingdom are part of the Devic Kingdom.
These devas, embody every constructive activity upon this plant, from crystals, plants, and human bodies, by way of minerals.
There are many types of Devas and hierarchies that work in perfect harmony with each other. The Devas (elemental, fairy’s, Elohim) have held the coded information about crystal healing and energy since Atlantis fall, some 16,000years ago. Through this vibrational essence, you can now walk with “the devas” again, as they now have returned to assist us with our ascension into higher states of consciousness.

We are in the dawning of a new age, a golden age where the holistic energies of the crystals that where lost to us, are returning.